To dissolve a company is to apply to Companies House to strike it off the register of companies. After dissolution, the company no longer legally exists.
We will send you the documents electronically. These must be printed, signed by majority directors and then returned to us. We can provide you with printed documents by post for an additional fee.
A director (or directors) may choose to dissolve a UK limited company for any number of reasons, but these are the most common:
In this package, we will complete all of the necessary documentation, including accurate filing & compliance with the UK government.
In this package, Affotax will complete all the necessary documentation and submit the final set of accounts before closing the LTD.
If you wish to keep your UK limited company but you do not wish to trade at this moment, you can make it a dormant company . Your company is deemed to be dormant if:
Just call us and speak with our friendly company registration expert. We will complete your order by phone or guide you step by step.